chef craig von foerster | farmers daughter tamara pursley-von foerster
"Dining at Harvest Restaurant is an experience like none other in 417 Land..." 417 Magazine

The process of Harvest is not new to Chef Craig von Foerster.
For starters, he has been defined by hyper-seasonality during his 30 years in the kitchen. For him, it is the natural process of taking freshly foraged ingredients, heading over to his kitchen and allowing the handcrafted humble years of
experience to unfold within each weekend menu.
In close proximity to the restaurant is Tamara's family farm.
Farm Road 168 is where great things have continued to grow since her
grandparents began farming there in 1932.
The farm supplies harvest with seasonal produce, herbs and berries.
It was serendipitous when the farmers daughter asked the chef
for a recipe 15 years ago... Today, together they own/operate harvest.
A quaint little spot not far from the city, rooted in the country.

8011 HWY AD
} located in the orchard at sunshine valley farm {
Tel: 417-830-3656